Wednesday 19 November 2014


"Sound effects play an important role in conveying action. Music helps express emotion." Michael Geisler

I once got told that if you take music from a horror movie that it would no longer be scary... this is very true. Michael Geisler says that music helps express emotion, without there being music you can't hear what anyone is trying to express, or what the feeling the person is trying to give off, or even what scene they are trying to set. With the music it makes your mind think about what will be happeneing next....

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Our group praxinoscope.

After being put in to different groups we all got allocated a different camera-less animation to create in our groups. Our group got given the praxinoscope, this consists of a rounded mirror in the centre of a spinning surface with a pictures of animation that gives the illusion the image is moving. The image we chose was an angry bird knocking down the building and knocking over the piggy's.

Even though we didn't finish the image, we tried it out and it looks really good.

My not so great thaumatrope!!!

So as a pretty creative person I thought that when I got given the task to create my own thaumatrope I would do a pretty good job.... Oh how wrong I was. I decided that I wouldn't follow any instructions and try and do it myself, what a bad idea. Even though I was extremely proud of my drawings not happy that I buggered it completely but I still did step by step pictures of my own.

What went wrong?
I think the things that went wrong were my circle was too big, the wholes that I made in the side weren't in the centre and my pictures on both sides weren't level.