Thursday 19 February 2015

Podcast Assignment

Scientific and Creative Learning: An out of classroom learning environment

                For the group podcast assignment I was in a group with Tara Simons, Sarah-Jayne Beynon and Sheridan Wood. For our podcast assignment, me, Sheridan, Tara and Sarah-Jayne decided that we wanted to do our podcast on the Waterfront Museum in Swansea.

"The National Waterfront Museum tells the story of industry and innovation in Wales, now and over the last 300 years." (Museums Wales)

                Once all four of us had some spare time, we went down to the museum, where we walked ourselves around, took pictures and videos and looked at the different activities.   We decided we would only use Sheridan's phone for this so it would be easier to upload on to the computer  to put it all together.  On our first visit to the museum, we wanted to ask a member of staff a series of questions to help u with our podcast but as no one was available at the time we arranged to come back within a week. Sheridan took the phone number so she could phone and arrange at time that suits them best, as well as us.

                On our second visit to the Waterfront Museum, we spoke to one of the gentlemen that worked there called Ian Smith. We found a nice place to interview him, I interviewed Ian Smith while Sheridan videoed the interview. I asked him three questions. Once we had finished Sheridan went home to add the video to the podcast that we had already started. As we couldn't upload the video, we had to record it from Sheridan's phone to the laptop. As the recording was bad, we had to repeat what Ian Smith said, so people could understand what was said.

                We needed to finish our podcast, so me, Tara and Sarah-Jayne went over Sheridan's. While at Sheridan's we searched for research on museums and on how the government helps museums, concentrating more on the welsh government.  While at Sheridan's we all took it in turns to video ourselves saying certain information on the Waterfront Museum as well as voice over's on certain pictures to explain what they are and what they do.  We also explained how it helped children with their innovation skills.

                 I did some research on the Welsh Government site and found out that the National Museum Wales was founded by Royal Charter in 1907 and now has 7 sites, one of these including the Waterfront Museum. All 7 of the sites are free entry which has had an impact on all of the museums including the Waterfront Museum. Once I researched all the information that I needed too, I videoed myself on Sheridan's laptop and added it to the podcast.  (Welsh Government, 2014)

Here is the link to our Podcast:


Museums Wales. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2015, from National Waterfront Museums:

Welsh Government. (2014, November 19). Retrieved February 18, 2015, from National Museum Wales: