Thursday 29 January 2015

Animation Blog - The final animation

After over 800 frames, a lot of work and dedication, re-modelling 'Roxanne' and 'Royston' we final have a final animation. Once we had taken all the frames we needed and put the sound in were it would fit. It was last minute that we decided to add the music 'Roxanne' by The Police as it was missing something by putting in this music it made our story come more to life.

There is a certain part of the song which we believed fit in well with our story that is why there is only a certain part of the song. This part of the song was:

"Roxanne you don't have to wear that dress tonight, walk the streets for money, you don't care if it's wrong or right"

Just with this line in the animation, it made more sense of our animation and was very apt. To add this song in, we had to record it from our mobile phones on a application called audacity, which we then saved in it and out it on to Zu3D. The sound affects that we used on the animation  come from YouTube were we recorded them off our phones then straight on to Zu3D.

This picture is from the final scene, this is showing how far 'Roxanne' has come from the beginning scene.

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