Thursday 29 January 2015

Animation Blog - Step Four

Within our animation we had three different backgrounds to create three different scenes. The first background we used was the orange brick affect. This was to give off the effect that she was down a alley way or a lane, to make it look more real, we added props in that Tara had made which were the wheelie bin, black bags and alcohol bottles. This was the scene that we wanted to show people how 'Roxanne' lived on the street and slept on the street where she could.

The second scene we used was the night scene with the shops and the lamp posts, we used this background to try and show the audience that it was going from day to night while she was driving around in the car. This scene was not in our animation long as we just wanted to give off the illusion that it was night time. Even though it was on black paper to show it was night time, we also wanted it to show how much trouble 'Roxanne' was in and her feelings that is why we only used white chalk instead of using all colours to make it colourful.

The final background that we used was the garden background, with this background we wanted to show how bright the colours were, to show that 'Roxanne' had started a fresh and the colours resembled how happy she was and how better her life was now that she had met 'Royston'. It showed her happy as can be watering plants which was her new hobby.

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