Thursday 29 January 2015

Animation Blog - Step Three

To start off the animation we needed to have set our scenes up and get the camera in place. To make sure that the camera wouldn’t move we used blue tac to keep it in place, this would make it easier for us. We couldn’t make all of our props so we did have two toy cars that we incorporated in different scenes. While making the scenes we did struggle with ‘Roxanne’ and ‘Royston’ as they were both made out of clay, when we moved them a lot they tended to break especially when we had to make ‘Roxanne’ sit down, so after certain scenes we did have to either mould them back together or take them apart and start again.

As the scenes went on, we were thinking of certain scenes off the top of our heads that we wanted to incorporate that we thought would be an better idea then what we had already discussed and looking back at the animation now it think we were right. Throughout the animation, we wanted to show the audience of ‘Roxanne’ moving from scene to scene to make it look like days were passing to make it look like we were looking at ‘Roxanne’s’ life for longer than just a day.

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