Thursday 29 January 2015

Animation blog - Step Two

Stage two of our stop-motion animation

Once Tara and I had decided our topic for our animation we needed to think about making our characters so we could make our stop – motion animation come to life. We both decided that it would be best if used play dough/clay so when moving our characters in the animation it would be easier to move and adjust them. At the beginning, we started off with a female character, she was the main character and we named her Roxanne, as we worked through our animation we added in a second character, this character was male and we named him Royston. When it came to making the cast and the props, we decided that I would make the characters and that Tara would make the props like the wheelie bin and black bags.

While we were making the characters we also had to think of the plot and the props that we would need to make animation more real. We decided that the story would start off with showing a typical day in ‘Roxanne’s’ life, which would include ‘looking’ for work, drinking and sleeping on the streets down a lane. We knew that we couldn’t just do two minutes of ‘Roxanne’ so this was when we incorporated ‘Royston’. ‘Royston’ would find ‘Roxanne’ sleeping on the streets and want to help her build her life back and get on the straight and narrow. The final scene of stop-motion animation would be showing ‘Roxanne’ over her addiction, and living her life with her new found hobby gardening. The message that we were trying to get across was that everyone needs help once in a while, there is help out and no one is on their own.

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