Thursday 29 January 2015

Peer review of animation assignments

As part of our assignment, we had to present our animation in front of the education futures class and choose one animation that you would like to review in your blog.
The animation that I am going review is Sam and Sam's animation.
The reason why I picked this animation was because I thought it was one of the best and it was one animation that stayed in my head. The animation was made up of little balls of clay, blue and green, the animation starts off with one blue ball and one green ball. These two balls end up fighting and then they both call in their 'army's' which is about 6 balls of clay of each colour, these balls of clay start jumping around and going to war with each other until they form a big ball which then changes in to a globe, showing that it is better to work together then to work against each other. The message I got from the animation was that world peace is what we need and that working together is better instead of doing on your own or working against each other. There was no sound effects or talking throughout the animation just backing music but I think this was enough as if there was sound effects that it would catch your attention.  I also think the backing music was perfect and set it off perfectly which was 'Better Together' by Jack Johnson.

You seen in the animation that there was a lot of work in to it and also the skills that both Sam's had was definitely shown in throughout the animation. Sam and Sam didn't use Zu3D like a lot of the other students including myself. They used an app off a mobile phone called Stop Motion Studio. I know that with talking to Sam and Sam that they have difficulties using these app but it was nice to hear the tell us the difficulties they had and how they overcome them. For me, I don't think this could have been any better, it was a simple looking animation but a effective one, which expressed its message perfectly.
Here is the address for Sam Whites Blog to see the final animation:

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